Fuego Latino(性感雷格顿)
Fuego Latino is a sexy reggaeton track that ignites the dance floor with its steamy rhythms and sultry beats. 具有迷人的旋律,不可抗拒的凹槽,和火热的拉丁风情
星空下(LoFi Hip Hop)
It is a relaxing Lo-Fi Hip Hop track, featuring mellow beats, warm basslines, and soothing melodies. 非常适合学习、背景音乐和放松
“beat Around The Box”是一首时髦而时髦的Hip-Hop歌曲,带有一点迪斯科的味道. Its syncopated rhythm, upbeat tempo, and infectious bass line create a positive and happy vibe.
温馨的回忆是一个情感嘻哈节拍,充满灵魂和轻松的聆听. 这个免版税的轨道有一个悠闲和低保真风格. 适合做广告背景音乐、商业广告、...
用这欢快而充满活力的嘻哈音乐来提升你的情绪. 充满活力的节奏, 欢快的旋律, 还有一点积极, 这首歌会让你微笑和跳舞.

企业广告 by RomanSpivak

休闲、中性的商务氛围. 嘻哈鼓和贝斯与轻合成器和吉他的组合. 在压轴部分,小提琴的演奏增加了气氛.乐器:静音吉他,钢琴,鼓,打击乐器,...
细腻、积极、原创的轨迹. 暖管电钢琴, 令人难以置信的嗓音, rhythmic effects, restrained drums, 软合成低音-现代和老式的声音的组合....


根据IFPI,有1个.全球850亿说唱乐迷. 这占所有音乐听众的26%. Hip-hop, a new musical genre bursting with energy and swagger, first appeared in the 1970s. It is characterized by upbeat instrumentals and an urban aesthetic that mirrors the lives of its creators and consumers. Today, this style has become a worldwide phenomenon that bridges linguistic and cultural divides, 使其成为各种媒体制作的首选. This includes everything from commercials and movie scores to video games and VR experiences. Producers and content creators use hip-hop stock music because of its distinctive blend of electronic, funk, 以及灵魂乐流派,在他们的作品中注入兴奋和急躁.

当前的系列是做出大胆声明的完美选择, 无论是高强度的动作镜头还是时髦的产品发布. The genre's ability to express complex emotions and tell powerful stories has made it a versatile and enduring form of expression that continues to shape global popular culture.


The genre consists of two basic elements: rap (rhythmic recitative with well-defined rhymes) and rhythm set by a DJ, 虽然没有人声的作品并不罕见. 在这种组合中,说唱歌手称自己为“司仪”(MC, Master of Ceremony)。. 一位或多位dj的职责包括:

  • 在鼓机上编程节奏;
  • sampling (using fragments of other people's compositions, especially bass and synth parts);
  • 操纵黑胶唱片;
  • 有时“beatboxing”(模仿鼓机节奏的声音).

Hip-hop is currently one of the most commercially successful genres of modern entertainment music, 流派中有许多不同的趋势代表了它的风格.


This motivational collection includes a range of sub-genres, from alternative to bounce and trap. 它还包括各种节奏和情绪,以适应任何项目. 所有音轨都采用最新的音频技术,以获得最高的音质.


  • A strong, 突出的节拍(中速和快节奏), 90-140 BPM), samplers, 或其他电子仪器.
  • Catchy hooks or melodies that repeat throughout the track (created using synthesizers, samples, 或其他乐器).
  • Inclusion of spoken-word lyrics and rapped lead or background vocals performed rhythmically (rapping).
  • 来自各种来源的电子声音和样本, 包括经典的放克和灵魂音乐, as well as sound effects 还有声音样本.
  • A heavy emphasis on bass with basslines often created with synthesizers 或其他电子仪器.
  • Upbeat and energetic vibes, with fast tempos and driving rhythms that get listeners moving.
  • Loops and patterns that repeat throughout the song create a sense of continuity and consistency.
  • 前卫和都市感, 歌词和主题探索社会问题, street life, 城市文化.

为什么要买主持人歌曲模板? Six Arguments


  1. Affordable: It is cheaper than commissioning custom compositions or licensing popular tracks from well-known artists. 对于预算人员来说,这确实是一个具有成本效益的解决方案.
  2. 广泛的选择:Templateog体育首页提供了各种各样的嘻哈驱动的歌曲. 客户可能会从数百种选择中进行选择,直到找到合适的曲调.
  3. 快速和简单的授权:购买预先录制的原声带是简单和快速的. 有简单的授权选项,允许买家包括 audio 文件在他们的项目没有麻烦.
  4. High-quality sound: Just because something is affordable doesn't mean it's low quality. Templateog体育首页提供专业制作的高质量格式歌曲(MP3), WAV),以获得最大的清晰度.
  5. 多功能性:这种类型可以用于各种应用, 包括广告, films, video clips, games, and more. 它的乐观和充满活力的风格在任何项目中都创造了兴奋和运动.
  6. Legal compliance: Using royalty-free hip-hop stock music ensures the user has the legal right to utilize it. 这避免了使用未经许可的旋律的任何法律问题.


There are many different kinds of rap stock songs depending on factors including style, pace, instrumentation, and mood. 流行的子类型包括:

  • 陷阱音乐:这种亚类型起源于美国南部. 沉重的808低音线, trap drums, 旋律合成器是这种风格的特征, 哪一个在今天的说唱和陷阱中无处不在.
  • West Coast: As the name suggests, this style originated in the West Coast region of the U.S. 并以悠闲的节奏,G-funk合成器和流畅的韵律为特色.
  • Alternative. 结合说唱和其他音乐类型的小众方向. 直接的歌词或对歌曲的原创方法是这一亚类型的标志. 艺术家的例子是Killa famililla和Poema Faktu.
  • Soul. It combines R&B and gospel. Mary J. Blige和Montell Jordan代表了这一亚类型,在20世纪90年代很受欢迎.
  • Christian. 它也被称为福音说唱,是嘻哈和福音的结合.
  • Gangsta. 与帮派斗争、贫穷和种族主义有关的歌曲. 这类音乐起源于20世纪80年代末的美国.

Despite the different trends, every year there are more and more fans of this culture. All the richness of the genre can be heard in every city of the world in different corners and courtyards among young people and not only.



  1. 下载一段嘻哈音乐:一旦你找到了一个合适的轨道, 通过选择许可证(标准)下载文件, 向100万观众播出, 大规模繁殖, 和音频广播(面向1000万观众). 这是一次下载. 但是,如果你需要的不仅仅是音频(e).g., video or graphics),无限下载 subscription 从长远来看会帮你省钱吗.
  2. 导入并自定义文件:打开音频制作软件, 导入您刚刚下载的曲目, 并根据您的项目对其进行定制. 您可以添加或删除元素, adjust the tempo, change the key, 并添加自己的旋律或歌词.
  3. 安排轨道:定制后, 通过把不同的部分像引言一样放在一起来安排音轨, verses, choruses, and bridges.
  4. 混合和掌握这首歌:现在是时候混合和掌握它了. 这包括调整每个元素的水平, adding effects, 并确保这首歌在不同的播放系统中听起来很好.
  5. Export the final product: Save the project in a suitable format like MP3, WAV, or AIFF.

You can make your compositions sound as though a professional band recorded them by following these instructions. Just make sure you don't use a reggae template for a rap song—that would be a rap-eggae disaster :)


Perhaps you're also looking for lounge tunes to enhance the background of your YouTube videos. 来听听这9个高质量音轨的样本吧. 你是否在创造放松的内容, meditation, yoga, 或者一些舒缓的东西, 融入环境旋律将把你的创作带到下一个层次. 要了解更多此类配乐,请浏览新推出的 音乐专区 的Templateog体育首页. 凭借其独特的多样性,你会找到合适的氛围.



These are pre-recorded hip-hop-style tracks that may be licensed for use in media productions, 从电影到播客再到商业广告. Those with no prior experience working with audio files will find this to be especially helpful. 此外,这些歌曲有使用权. This means that users can legally and ethically incorporate them into their products without fear of infringing on someone else's intellectual property rights.


Sure. 取决于 type of license 你拥有,你可以展示,复制,分发和播放成品.


是的,确实是这样! 虽然这些曲目是预先录制的,通常是固定长度的, 您可以编辑它们以满足您的需求. For example, you may need to edit the soundtrack length to fit a specific scene in your video or adjust the tempo to match your production's pacing.


它可以为您的媒体内容添加现代和动态的氛围, 让它更吸引年轻观众. 但最重要的是, royalty-free stock hip-hop music saves you time and money compared to custom soundtracks.