The best Magento extension - improve your website and be successful

企业必须在各个领域适应现代世界。数字化极大地影响了公司的经营方式,包括贸易公司。Sales are changing from year to year and now we are seeing a trend emerging from online stores。在线交易从小型站点或页面开始。Now, however, e-commerce has changed dramatically and is creating huge marketplaces with hundreds of shop-friendly features and tools to sell goods。 Magento CMS is a great solution that makes it easy to build fully functional web resources。A number of Magento extensions are included in the second version of the platform to maximize all features。

它为您的商店提供无与伦比的功能和定制潜力。Given our design and development experience, we could not simply pass up this great opportunity to provide the best solution for the Magento 2 community.。Experienced developers have crafted the best modules that meet all major requirements: great code, great functionality, and intuitive management。

With these products, you can focus on delivering attractive products and increasing revenue streams without having to worry about the tools needed to achieve these goals。This approach allows you to rely on a global audience and increase revenue many times over, while refusing to pay network studios and designers to develop from scratch。如何使用该平台,扩展的价值是什么?让我们马上找出答案!

关于 Magento CMS

Magento 是最受欢迎的电子商务平台之一。它具有开源代码,并为管理在线商店提供了充足的机会。 CMS gives you full control over the content of your resources, provides a flexible system to set up your shopping cart, and allows you to implement multiple payment systems。

In addition, the platform enables you to create marketplaces of different sizes and sell various quantities of products。 The number of Magento 2 modules is also impressive, so you are sure to find solutions to extend the functionality。Another advantage is that CMS is pretty good at SEO page optimization, guaranteeing quick promotion through search engines。

高级开发人员会喜欢 CMS,因为它易于使用。Of course, to work with platforms, you need some coding skills and IT knowledge。However, many plugins make it easy to do all the tasks and introduce new unique features without programming。


  • A large number of tools for tracking analytics to increase sales and gain credibility with customers。
  • The ability to implement several popular payment systems simultaneously, including PayPal and Stripe。
  • 多语言和多货币环境。
  • 可以使用现成的网站主题来启动网页,而无需开发设计和结构的麻烦。
  • A wide range of possibilities for user accounts, for example, the presentation of ratings and the formation of wish lists。
  • 为常客生成折扣、优惠券和忠诚度计划。
  • Many Magento extensions improve the basic functionality of the digital store。

Magento 扩展 - 它们是什么?

Due to the wide possibilities of e-commerce, Magento is in great demand among users。There are plenty of tools in the system to improve and grow your business, engage customers and provide them with a pleasant shopping experience。然而,该平台的潜力并不仅限于其基本特征。The developers have prepared modules for those who strive to achieve the best performance in the field of sales。

Magento extensions are code packages developed to enhance or add functionality to an online store。They make it possible to integrate all kinds of fancy features into the website and provide customers with a pleasant shopping experience。Because CMS is so flexible, easy to use, and adaptive, almost any function can be integrated into it and make your company as convenient as possible for visitors。主要优点是无需绞尽脑汁自己编写代码。The true professionals have everything ready for you, so you just have to install and activate the plugin to enjoy the workflow。


Extension developers have outdone themselves in terms of the possibilities that modules offer buyers!Want to implement cool checkout tools, create coupon and discount systems, or provide reliable customer data protection?以及如何集成第三方服务,例如支付系统或社交网络?All of this is within the power of Magento 2 plugins!Make sure your digital store is just a few clicks away from unique features。

Magento 插件解决了哪些问题?

Magento extensions are the true superheroes of IT technology because almost any task is a small task for them。插件具有广泛的用途,有助于添加不同的功能。Some solutions aim to make small adjustments to the page, such as adding social media integrations or newsletter pop-up forms。Others, in turn, radically altered the resource, introducing the possibility of registering individual accounts or gift voucher systems。

The fact that CMS offers solutions that ensure complete digital store security cannot be underestimated。它为什么如此重要?Statistics show that web users are generally wary of shopping on the Internet due to identity theft。Use one of the modules to protect your customer's credit card and earn a good reputation。

What other features are implemented thanks to the Magento 2 plugin?Check out the list of major problems that plug-ins solve, but keep in mind that their capabilities are much broader。


今天的网络用户更喜欢查询的即时结果。Instead of waiting for the catalog or shopping cart to load, they leave the page looking for a better option。Unfortunately, Internet stores are often overloaded with lots of products, payment systems, and even blog posts。In order to make all these actions fast and not keep visitors waiting, a detailed error analysis of the page, search for broken links, and overall optimization of all elements must be performed。 The Magento extension provides such services and speeds up resources several times。


Many entrepreneurs wonder how to make online stores as close to traditional stores as possible。幸运的是,这不是带有模块的火箭科学。They allow you to add many tools, but let's focus on the most important ones:

  • 方便的心愿单And shopping cart, so users can easily mark their favorite products without losing。
  • 交货清关的所有阶段,包括跟踪包裹。
  • 带有过滤器的目录可快速找到合适的产品。
  • 在购物车中自动创建支票。
  • 产品比较列表,以简化客户从几个可能的选项中选择最佳选项。
  • 为客户创建折扣、礼券和特惠系统。

弹出窗口和 Web 表单生成器

各种形式和弹出窗口是互联网业务营销的引擎。企业家经常出于多种原因诉诸于使用它们。First, it's a great way to grab your visitors' attention and let them know about the offers or discounts your company is offering。Second, they help to maintain constant contact with users and generate leads。Finally, it's a great advertising move to send newsletters about new products and invite you to your e-commerce resources。如果您想快速轻松地实现时事通讯弹出窗口,请单击此处。


在线商店包含大量内容:产品、区块和类别。Therefore, it may be difficult for customers to determine what is what and find the right product。可用的插件可以轻松解决这些问题。在他们的帮助下,您可以添加一个MegaMenu来组织所有类别而不会使页面混乱。此外,可以使用搜索插件提供实时搜索。处理数字商店和下订单从未如此简单。


如今,许多 Web 项目离不开彼此。Users are used to making payments through PayPal and Stripe, so you need to integrate these systems into your store。This is a great solution to give customers peace of mind and stay in their comfort zone during a critical stage like paying for goods。In addition, integrating social networks such as Facebook or Instagram can significantly increase your company's visibility, which in turn increases overall revenue。您可以使用其中一个插件轻松添加所需的按钮和系统。

Magento extension from Templateog体育首页 - main feature

As you already know, plugins can fulfill almost any wish you have。They are easy to use, flexible, and can increase the performance of online stores several times over。However, many entrepreneurs are concerned about whether the extension meets all the characteristics of the website to fit into them perfectly。Of course, this is very important, because in order not to slow down the page and not ruin its overall appearance, the plug-in must be at the highest level。 The Magento 2 developers have solved this problem, so the plugin only gives you the best features。看看自己看看:


Agree that no one wants to access resources that all widgets move down and display incorrectly。幸运的是,响应能力Avoid that and make sure everything looks great on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and computers。


Magento extensions are designed to improve the performance of e-commerce pages, not break it。This means that thanks to professionally developed code, they are guaranteed not to cause errors or problems and slow down the store。

兼容Magento 2

All modules in the Templateog体育首页 series are available for Magento 2。They help to expand website functionality and add various e-commerce tools, such as different payment systems, wish lists or shopping carts。请记住,您不能将它们用于以前版本的 CMS。


The plug-ins and CMS themselves are easy to use, even for IT novices。如果您不熟悉编码,请不要担心;它们灵活且用户友好。模块的安装和配置非常简单快捷。


Modules in a collection are independent products that are not dependent on a specific template or provider。As a result, you can easily implement them in any CMS e-commerce resource without worrying about compatibility issues。


The Magento 2 extension makes the management process of any store smoother and more reliable。我们已确保遵循每个模块功能的所有行业标准。This means that you get the same or better set of features and Settings in our extension than you would from a similar 3rd party module。

由经过认证的 Web 开发人员构建

Professional and certified developers create all Magento extensions。This means that Templateog体育首页's modules maintain the highest code standards, built according to best CMS practices。因此,这些插件非常高效、无错误且可靠。


Magento 2 本身就是一个复杂的系统。Is that why the extra clutter in the expansion can really ruin your day as a shopkeeper。That's why we made sure to simplify the management and UI of plug-ins so that you can spend more time working on your store。所有扩展还包括详细的文档。

24/7/365 终身支持

Have questions or need help extending Templateog体育首页? Templateog体育首页's helpful support team is always at your service。All modules are free for six months, so you don't have to pay for ridiculously expensive support packages from other vendors。

安装 Magento 2 扩展 - 分步指南

通常,使用插件不会造成困难,也不需要太多时间。They are flexible and user-friendly, making it easy to integrate them into your digital store and do all the necessary setup。Everything is so simple that even IT novices can easily cope with these products。

However, even with the Magento extension, some clients still have problems。绊脚石之一是安装插件。将产品投入运行可能很困难且耗时。通过详细的分步说明,您可以更快地完成所有步骤。Check out effective tips now to continue learning about the more important elements of starting an e-commerce business:

  • 首先,您应该注意选择插件。 Templateog体育首页 offers solutions for different problems, so your task is to determine your goals, for example, to improve your shopping cart or add payment methods。
  • 在边栏中设置您的标准,包括价格范围、功能和标签。因此,您会立即看到满足您要求的选项。
  • 你选择了一个有价值的插件吗?Make sure it is compatible with the Magento version of your ecommerce resource。另外,请查看演示、描述和以前买家的评论。
  • 如果您确定自己的选择,请继续结帐。
  • 现在最重要的部分是安装。添加插件的最简单方法之一是使用管理面板。转到管理 -> 商店 -> 配置,然后从下拉列表中选择所需的插件。然后点击保存配置。
  • In the next stage, you will need to enter the license key for the purchased Magento extension。You will find the key in your Templateog体育首页 account。
  • 单击保存配置按钮,然后单击更新配置。
  • 准备好!扩展已安装并准备好进行配置。

Why choose Templateog体育首页 to buy?

在线市场提供范围广泛的现成 IT 服务和解决方案。因此,创业者可能很难选择市场上最可靠的供应商。If you're still looking, look out for Templateog体育首页。The company has 20 years of experience, during which it has earned a good reputation。The marketplace offers a large selection of website templates for a variety of CMS, plugins and extensions from WordPress to PrestaShop, and even services for customizing Web resources。

此外,该公司还为现成解决方案的维护提供技术支持。在选择产品时,您还可以获得售前专家的全力支持。They are available 24/7 and ready to answer all your questions about a particular topic or plugin。Customers choose Templateog体育首页 for its reliability, friendly staff and wide range of the best products。单击此处亲自查看!


In short, creating an e-business project is a multi-stage process that requires effort and resources。It is necessary to equip the web page with all the modern bells and whistles and stand out from the competition。幸运的是,Magento 是这项业务的最佳助手。The platform allows you to launch a full-fledged marketplace and sell any kind of goods in just a few days。You only need a little coding and inspiration to become part of e-commerce。

Not to mention the Magento extension, which significantly improves online resources and makes them more practical。Plug-ins allow you to avoid creating code from scratch and help you implement essential features such as gift certificates, different payment systems, or shopping carts with just a few clicks。它们灵活、方便且代码简洁。This means that add-ons will never harm the digital store, will not slow it down, but will improve it。Therefore, this is an excellent solution that can simplify many tasks for yourself and enjoy amazing results。

Now that you know everything there is to know about plug-ins, it's time to choose the best solution and get to work。祝你好运!

Templateog体育首页 的十大设计趋势

In traditional stores, interior decoration is very important to create a pleasant shopping atmosphere。In e-commerce, compelling web design is needed to capture the customer's attention。An online store should look fresh, modern, and most importantly, unique to stand out from the competition and attract visitors from the first page。If you want to create a special project, it's a good idea to adopt the latest web design trends。 The Templateog体育首页 YouTube channel has handpicked the top 10 UI novelties for you。点击链接并获得灵感来创作您的杰作!

Magento 扩展问题与解答

我可以自己安装 Magento 扩展吗?

当然。You can easily install plug-ins through the administration panel or Composer using documentation with step-by-step instructions。If you encounter any difficulties, please feel free to contact the Templeog体育首页 Support team for detailed advice on any issues。

Can I add the Magento Search extension to an existing online store?

是的。您在电子商务网站上实施任何 Magento 扩展。但是,您需要确保加载项版本与网页版本相匹配。To avoid making a purchase mistake, please consult our pre-sales experts via live chat。

Is there a Magento extension to the blog for Posting articles on the trading platform?

是的。 Templateog体育首页 集合提供了一个Magento 2 博客模块So you can easily keep your own diary and increase store traffic by installing it。

There is no Magento extension to create the perfect checkout page?

Of course, there is a smart one-click checkout Magento extension that speeds up the payment process and makes it as convenient as possible。该插件还允许客户申请优惠券和折扣卡。也保证了高配置和灵活性。