关于 PrestaShop 模块:为什么您可能需要一个

任何基于 CMS 的在线商店都需要附加组件来改进其功能。For the PrestaShop platform, these are modules, sometimes called plug-ins, extensions, or widgets。您的在线商店可以具有更多尚不存在的功能。 The PrestaShop module makes it easier to customize your online store, increase conversion rates, enhance your customers' shopping experience, and create the online company of your dreams。因此,您将增加流量、增加收入并提高客户满意度。

使用许多易于使用的插件扩展您的商店功能非常容易。This category provides everything you need to grow your store and elevate your shopping experience to a premium level。From running effective promotions to building closer relationships with your customers, you can access solutions for almost any purpose here。Check out the various PrestaShop modules above and choose those that will help your market thrive in a competitive networking environment。

PrestaShop 模块与主题的区别是什么?

  • 主题是一种改变网站外观的工具。它允许您通过调整颜色、字体、图像和布局来进行审美更改。
  • 模块是支持特定站点功能的小型应用程序。例如,它可能具有购物车或支付网关等功能。

In other words, a theme is a kind of web design, and a module is an extension of it that you can add to any existing theme。Together, they form an integral part of a Prestashop-based site。

PrestaShop 模块的类型

Depending on your budget, you can choose from a variety of advanced PrestaShop modules, which cost between $40 and $85。插件根据其特性和用途分为三组:

  • 重新设计您的在线商店。
  • 添加更多电子商务功能。
  • 与第三方程序集成。


  • Interface and navigation: Rich responsive design and amazing navigation make it easier for your visitors to find what they're looking for。
  • 流量和搜索引擎优化:优化您的页面以提高搜索引擎可见性。
  • 促销和营销:集思广益工具可让您创建新的营销活动。
  • Payment method: Secure payment method (e.g. PayPal or Stripe)。
  • Management: Track social interactions, manage statistics, and do more with sophisticated management options。
  • Social networks: Integration with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter can increase awareness of your brand。
  • Transportation and Logistics: easy-to-use management tools that let you track orders and manage inventory。


With so many creative possibilities and flexibility, the PrestaShop module is the perfect tool to unleash the creativity and imagination of website owners。


  • Extend or change the current CMS functionality by adding form fields, text blocks, or stand-alone elements。这使零售商能够更新他们的商店而无需进行进一步调整。
  • 采取行动(例如导入、导出等)。
  • 促进商店与第三方服务之间的通信。

使 PrestaShop 扩展良好的功能

The functionality that makes a module suitable for an e-commerce website depends on the needs of the customer, the business goals of the website, and the size of the store。在线商店的必备功能可帮助访问者轻松找到他们想要的东西。一个很好的例子是具有产品类别和搜索功能。

Administrators or developers install PrestaShop modules to integrate them with existing websites or create one from scratch。定制它们以满足特定需求也很容易。


  • 产品列表页面 - PLP 根据类别或搜索短语显示项目列表。Because it directs users to the product description page and prompts them to convert, the page is an important part of the shopping experience。
  • Purchase Page - This page displays product information and the option to buy it now or add it to your cart before checkout。
  • 购物车——在线商店的购物车是访客在结账前放置物品的地方。您可以在此处显示与客户当时订购的产品相关的促销和优惠信息。
  • Account - This includes the customer's contact information, billing information, order history, password reset options, Settings, and more。
  • 管理面板 - 管理面板允许您实时管理您的页面。You can easily add new items to your store, edit existing items, and control categories, banners, and promotions。
  • Add to Cart - This module allows visitors to purchase products without leaving the browser window。
  • Checkout - The checkout process is where customers complete the transaction by going through the shopping cart and paying for their items。

关于 PrestaShop 附加组件,您还应该了解什么

  • Standalone use: Every plugin and extension in our collection can be used with any template from any provider。
  • Professional Construction: All projects are developed with high precision by CMS professionals based on the needs of a particular CMS。
  • Six months Lifetime support: If you need any help with Templateog体育首页 plug-ins and extensions, the support team will respond quickly to any questions you have。每周 7 天,每天 24 小时。
  • Easy to use: All PrestaShop modules are designed with an easy way to upload them to your e-store。
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee: For any product purchased from Templateog体育首页, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee if the reasons for return are met退款政策,我们将退款给您。
  • 出色的用户体验:我们会根据您的反馈不断改进我们的附加组件。
  • 快速简便的设置:安装就像 1、2、3 一样简单!只需按照以下步骤安装扩展。
  • Universal compatibility: Almost all of our add-ons work with the latest version of PrestaShop (1.7)。
  • Cross-browser compatibility: All add-ons have been tested to work perfectly in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari。

您的商店应该有电子商务附加组件的 5 个原因

There are many reasons why your e-business should have a PrestaShop module in its year。以下是前五名中的一些:

  1. 使用易于使用且具有您需要的所有功能的平台创建商店。A powerful e-commerce platform simplifies your life as an online retailer, giving you more time to sell goods and grow your business。
  2. 通过向国际购物者销售来增加您的收入。Globalization is on the rise, and global sales are becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes, especially small businesses that don't have the time, resources, or expertise to adapt to the global marketplace。
  3. 无需管理库存,从而节省时间和金钱。Many businesses lack the time, expertise, or money to manage inventory, resulting in lost sales and costly mistakes。通过提供可吸引忠诚客户的无缝购物体验来改善您的客户服务。
  4. 通过提供快速运输和轻松退货来提高客户满意度。You can set up an online store to streamline shipping and returns, ensuring your customers receive what they need, when they need it。
  5. 增加对社交媒体的参与。通过在社交媒体上推广和销售来利用您现有的营销工作。社交媒体已成为分享信息的强大工具。那么,为什么不利用这个机会向新受众销售您的产品呢?

PrestaShop 模块成功集成到电子商务网站的示例

有一些附加组件可以提升 SEO ,将您的业务链接到购物市场,并在国际市场上同步您的广告。您一定会发现一个模块可以满足您对网上商店的任何需求。



Customers care about the look of your online store, but having a user-friendly structure and navigation is also crucial。For example, you are welcome to install MegaMenu or the pop-up manager PrestaShop module to increase the value of your shop。


If you want to integrate frequently changing ads and offers into your online store, you'll need to include a specific plugin。您可以添加横幅、促销和废弃的购物车通知。


此功能对于在您的首页或类别页面上推广产品非常有帮助。Specify the number of items to highlight, their categories, and whether they are selected at random or based on your preferences。


There are modules that consumers can use to add insurance or additional warranties, combine other items and accessories in the catalog, or customize products to their preferences。此外,成本可能会根据客户的调整而变化。


用户需要导航菜单能够毫无困难地显示在任何设备上。所以最好安装一个菜单模块来构建你的导航栏。It gives you the freedom to arrange it the way you like, add submenus, change its appearance, and make it work for all monitors (you'll need to add another add-on for responsive cross-move mode)。


The add-on for accepting payments is one of the most important plug-ins for building an online business based on PrestaShop。通过卡支付是任何在线交易的常见选择。Therefore, you will need a POS/POP plug-in that allows you to control almost all virtual payments made with a bank card。In addition, using such extensions, customers can check the payment progress, currency exchange rates and shipping costs for each transaction。


Since PayPal offers a free official plugin, setting up payments with this service is very simple。 PayPal offers fast payment options, seller security, and no purchase fees。但是,它确实收取接受付款的费用。As a result, your customers will have the opportunity to use PayPal without having to reveal their banking information。


Some extensions help online retailers comply with legal obligations, including disclosing information about technology and promotional cookies。Some add-ons allow you to customize the warning message, saving you the trouble of doing it yourself。例如,您可以更改通知的大小、页面上的位置和其他方面。

Keep in mind that each ecommerce requires a different set of extensions depending on your selling method, Web layout, and any other tools you use。

PrestaShop 的推荐服务

Installing the PrestaShop module shouldn't be difficult using the super convenient admin panel。However, if you need help creating or configuring other aspects of your e-commerce website, we have some interesting things for you。毕竟,定制是任何电子商务网站最重要的方面之一。除了促进销售外,它还有助于为企业建立独特的身份。

Here are the customizations available for PrestaShop on Templateog体育首页服务。These services help make your e-store more attractive to customers and increase the CR of your website。


  • 网站安装:网站建设的第一个也是主要阶段。接下来是安装 CMS、上传和激活模板以及导入示例数据。
  • SSL 协议创建:Web 开发的第二阶段。它包括域验证、动态站点密封和 256 位加密。
  • GDPR compatibility: The GDPR is a regulation governing the use of personal data and privacy in the European Union。它有助于提供符合通用数据保护条例标准的用户体验。
  • 商店定制:该服务允许您在模板的帮助下创建电子商务网站。此外,它还有助于在线营销,以改善用户互动和转化率。
  • One-stop shop Configuration: This service assists with installing and configuring themes, uploading products, importing content, and optimizing the store。It also includes GDPR and CCPA Settings, which are necessary to develop any e-commerce website。
  • Hiring Web Developers: Experienced Templateog体育首页 developers to provide professional assistance with website setup (paid every 10/20/30 hours)。
  • Storefront Appearance: This service allows you to replace non-product images, add sliders and banner images, and update footer/header graphics。
  • Build from scratch: With this offer, you get six custom pages, a PSD design, must-have add-ons, and stock images of your project。您还将在每个阶段进行两次修订。


  • 速度优化:缓存设置、源文件缩减和整体速度提升。这三种技术有助于提高网站的性能。
  • 技术支持:该优惠包括优先支持,将首先解决最复杂的问题。The team also offers webmaster help, who can handle any technical issues the site may have。
  • Color scheme changes: This option includes all color adjustments, from customizing the main color to changing the color of the background and individual elements。
  • On-page SEO: A comprehensive review of your website and its performance On search engines。It also offers a range of SEO-friendly URL options that can help boost your ranking on Google。
  • Web Design Review: A comprehensive UI/UX design review that includes an assessment of the site layout, recommendations for improvements, and detailed instructions for enhancing the site。
  • 恶意软件清除:专业人员提供黑客攻击调查服务和网站清理服务。他们还帮助公司恢复他们的网站并在搜索引擎中解锁它们。


  • Best Stock Images: The service has no limit on image size, offering 15 images and 40 million stock items。
  • Prepared product images: Professionally produced, attractive images in a format suitable for different purposes, with personalized colors and sizes。
  • Custom logo creation: This involves redesigning logos to give them a more unique look and providing different file formats and multiple final options for you to choose from。
  • Hire a web designer: Skilled experts offer a wide range of design options, including custom work, logo design, interface development, and more。总之,他们可以帮助您完成任何困难的项目。


  • Social networking branding: Everything from creating a social media strategy to writing content for a brand description。
  • Email Campaign Creation: A comprehensive analysis of your business niche and a professional email marketing strategy, including compelling content creation。
  • Facebook Advertisement Audit: Professional FB campaign review, AD destination analysis, and general recommendations。
  • Startup Marketing Plan: This package helps beginners develop marketing strategies and provides Google Ads support, PPC monitoring, email marketing creation and launch, and social media brand building。
  • Local SEO optimization: Register company accounts, improve business ratings, conduct keyword research, and build content strategies。


  • Web content writing: Provide plagiaria-free, relevant text, tailored content for market segments, and keyword analysis and SEO improvements。
  • Social media writing: Post to Facebook and Instagram, select relevant hashtags, write compelling posts and text changes。
  • Blog post writing: keyword research, future post planning, four blog entries, and thematic stock images。


Choosing a trusted hosting company is one of the main steps before installing a PrestaShop module。下面列出了为在线商家提供网络托管的领先企业。

  • SiteGround is an affordable and reliable hosting provider with unlimited hosted domains, subdomains, and MySQL databases。The company also offers 30 GB of network storage, free SSL certificates, and free website transfers without downtime。
  • A2Hosting is a web hosting service that offers unlimited web space, free Secure Socket layer authentication, unlimited bandwidth, and free stop-free site migration。它还提供 25 个免费电子邮件配置文件和许多其他功能。
  • ScalaHosting is a hosting company that offers unlimited options such as hosting domains, subdomains, gigabytes, bandwidth, email accounts, and MySQL data repositories。此外,公司保证在 30 天内退款。
  • BlueHost is the leading managed service provider offering affordable plans。They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, 50 GB of disc storage, SSL authentication, no-downtime website migration, 25 email profiles, and more。如有任何问题,您可以随时联系支持人员。

Sell your PrestaShop modules on Templateog体育首页

Templateog体育首页 is the leading digital marketplace for selling and buying all kinds of web design assets。It has been on the market for 20 years and provides a platform for designers and developers to sell their products。The main motivation behind marketing your customized PrestaShop plugin is to use your skills to make money and promote your brand online。

So, if you want to sell your plugin on Templateog体育首页, this is a good place to do it。

  1. 首先,转到顶部并单击“开始销售”按钮。
  2. 阅读基本信息后,点击“成为作者”。
  3. 填写表格以在市场上注册为作者。
  4. 然后按照进一步的说明,开始出售您的物品。

PrestaShop 扩展安装

根据插件的开发方式,每个安装过程都是独一无二的。幸运的是,其中大多数都相当简单。If you lack knowledge, avoid downloading PrestaShop modules that require more complex technical setup or take longer to install。转到您的仪表板,然后按照供应商的指南开始配置它。您可以在此视频指南中找到更多详细信息。

PrestaShop 模块问答

如何决定合适的 PrestaShop 模块?

There are a number of factors you should consider when planning your PrestaShop store and choosing the necessary plug-ins。例如,您的目标消费者群体是什么?您的目标受众的兴趣是什么?您打算使用什么营销策略?您打算如何管理客户服务?您将如何管理结帐程序?这些问题的答案将显着影响您为在线商店选择的附加组件。

PrestaShop 模块有哪些用途?

These extensions will help you with advertising, marketing (including affiliate marketing), analytics, store development, store navigation, directory management, search engine optimization, website protection, and moreUI 。请使用左侧边栏按必要的主题进行过滤。

PrestaShop 模块是否支持最新的 CMS 版本?

几乎所有这些模块都与 1.7 及更高版本兼容。左侧栏将帮助您选择所需的选项。

What additional benefits do I get if I purchase a PrestaShop module?

Feel free to add additional services to your order if needed, such as six months of support, link building, and one year of Thawte certification。这些和其他附加服务可在结账时使用。